Recommended Hotels

Overnight accommodation near Acuitas

The best hotels & places to stay near Lachen and Altendorf. We wish you a pleasant stay!

within 20 min on foot

Marina Gastro AG ****
Hafenstrasse 4
CH-8853 Lachen SZ
Tel. +41 55 451 73 73
Fax +41 55 451 73 74

Hotel Bären ***
Marktstrasse 9
8853 Lachen
Tel. +41 55 451 99 99
Fax +41 55 451 99 95

Garni Seehof ***
Churerstrasse 64
8852 Altendorf
Tel. +41 55 462 15 00
Fax +41 55 462 15 02

within 20 min by car or train

Hotel Seedamm Plaza ****
Seedammstrasse 3
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Tel. +41 55 417 17 17
Fax +41 55 417 17 18
